Oct 29, 2023Liked by Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D.

Until the Spanish brand Zara arrived, the selection in UK men’s clothing stores was dire.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D.

Yes. There are several contexts to masculine v feminine.

To name a few:

Psychologically Archetypal

Behavioral - biology based

Behavioral - socially conditioned

Biological Gender

Sexual Orientation

You raise only the Halloween “socially conditioned” one in your article. Which imho is a very narrow perspective on the topic.

You also mention “feminist philosophy”. As if there was any sort of consensus in that arena.

While I appreciate your anecdotal “walk through the costume shop” observations, I believe the entire “gender studies” space could use a more useful framing, taxonomy, and definitional “level setting” to engage any productive dialogue.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D.

Dr. Nall,

I would be curious about your interpretations and opinions of Dr. Carl Jung’s study of the masculine Animus archetype within a woman, and the feminine Anima archetype within a man.

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