This is an excellent summary of the failures of humanity. Israel is a leading example, because it has only eaten the fruits of competition, domination and supremacy since its beginnings, which leads to fear, anger, hatred and brutality.

Destruction is not success. Destruction of the highest order--War--is not success. Dominance is not success. The use of these ideas (a sickness, no doubt) is not success. Israel and America, its benefactor and enabler, will find out soon enough exactly what is necesssry for success. Cooperation. Caring. Compassion. Living in harmony with Nature.

Thanks for the recommendation. My hope and desire is to not only bring awareness to the deep problems we humans face, but also some viable solutions.

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That was really insightful. Thank you.

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Just a slightly different take on the present Middle Eastern situation.

"The Israel attachment to this land goes back to a legend where God bequeathed to Abraham and his descendants the Promised Land. And yet at the time this land was already occupied. Admittedly there was no international law. This is a myth and yet it has become so deeply engrained in the Israeli psyche, whether religious or not.

Can such a theology myth be logically equated to a factual claim on the ground today? Should a myth justify the claim of exclusive ownership and alienation and ethnic cleansing we are witnessing?"

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You raise important questions about how we should treat and understand cultural narratives including religious traditions. From the vantage point of a genuine humanism, a recognition of the shared Humanity of all persons, it seems clear that envisioning one particular group as entitled to an inhabited land would be deeply flawed to say the least. Erich Fromm's book, "You Shall Be as Gods: A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament and it's Tradition" calls into question many of the claims attributed to Judaism. According to Fromm, prophetic Judaism was not exclusionary but instead affirmed and advanced ethical universalism.

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Riddle me this: if over 70 percent of Gazans support Hamas, why don't we describe the US protest as pro-Hamas? That is more accurate than pro-Palestinian?


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Thank you for the broad philosophical basis for the horrors happening in Gaza, but you seem to ignore the self-immolation of fellow Muslims as part of some sick ‘purity’ ritual. Hamas is just the tip of the iceberg of radical Islamist ideology devoid of the humanistic virtues you laud. Israel is being forced to play by “Hamas rules” which are cruel, fatalistic, and disdainful of humanity.

Unfortunately, the Israeli far right government is equally theologically divorced from its humanity. Dogmatic religion, no matter the flavor, is inhumane and certainly needs to be kept away from the levers of political power.

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The crazy part of all this is the fact that they think they will get away with it due to the support from NY?

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