Wonderful initiative Jeffrey; this is the kind of thinking and writing that can effect change. I also would add that in humanizing the times, we are also discussing humans who are not alienated from Nature, but also who are in communion or harmony with it. Thoreau would agree.

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You are absolutely right! We need a humanism that recognizes and honors the animal in humanity and also appreciates its species as part of a much wider web of ecological interconnectivity.

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Re your article <<β€œI think it's important for people to use critical thinking. I think it’s important for me to question authority and question world leaders and question myself, >>. Sixty years ago as a 17 year old schoolboy our Jesuit headmaster told us in R.E. class that blind Faith on it's own was not enough and deserved no praise, as educated children it was our duty to work out for ourselves what we should or should not believe in, to always question what we are taught. A lesson that has guided my life, and on occasion got me in trouble.

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Lots of food for thought here!

I really like your ruminations on my friend Swarnali's post, you added new layers to deep pondering about art and expression in general under an extractivist system I've been wrestling with.

Also, you saying "those who fall in love with death cannot be trusted to birth or nurture peace" resonated with me so much, there's so much contained in this one sentence. It's deeply in line with what I'm writing about at the moment for my next newsletter.

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