I appreciate the overview of how completely people in charge have failed those they represent. The ones you highlighted are just a few of the failures. It’s far from a US only problem.

Canadian politicians are rolling back many of the assistance programs that helped many financially deprived people during the pandemic. It’s been a slow roll back in some ways. In March 2020, Prime Minister Trudeau declared that no Canadian can live on less than $2,000 a month. But most people on welfare in Canada receive $700 a month from the government. The financial assistance programs that the government provided during CoVid have disappeared but the problem of poverty continues.

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Thanks for sharing your unique vantage point from Canada. I'm sorry to hear that the experience is universal.

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From what I’m hearing it’s fairly widespread that governments are trying to act like it’s 2019 all over again. Pretending that inflation isn’t causing problems and the pandemic never happened.

I generally agree with you on the issue of the Iraq war. There were many errors that people insisted on being true. I was against war on principle for the most part, though I couldn’t articulate why coherently at the time. Canada joined the Afghanistan war but not the Iraq war which I think was the most reasonable decision at the time.

Same thing happened during the pandemic. The people in charge claimed that they had evidence they didn’t have and made terrible decisions as a result.

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