Jul 1Liked by Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D.

Everyone that has children must remember this. We are afraid but we must not let this limit what they can imagine.

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Agreed. Raising children can remind us of human beings' incredibly capacity for growth and creativity.

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Jun 28Liked by Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D.

Such an important message. Thank you, Jeffrey! Here's the song that came to mind as I read your post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjbxFu0eh1A

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Thanks for reading and sharing the music!

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

After this remarkable piece, no more words can adequately express its profound ingenuity and originality. It transcends mere words; it is a documented doctrine of our free will, consciousnesses, and awareness of moral goodness. As you mentioned, fatalism and its false idols - cynicism, despair, and defeatism- hinder our dreams' realization. Manipulators, the ultimate "dream hunters" and destroyers, also uphold these standards. "Manipulative personality disorder" is among the most severe mental illnesses, not due to the danger they pose, as they are powerless, but because they are unseen and operate in secrecy; their biggest fear is being exposed and found.

They persistently employ narcissistic tactics to impede our dreams, such as emotional abuse, gaslighting, and bullying. And because of their hate and disregard for boundaries, they regularly invade our privacy and resort to blackmail by exposing our personal information. Their eagerness to maintain us as followers leads them to keep us mentally, emotionally, socially, and digitally enslaved, using any means required to confine us within the fabricated maze of lies and deceit that they have spun.

Regrettably, many of us find ourselves detained by fear of social judgment, afraid of feeling humiliated, ashamed, or ridiculous - a condition known as "Catagelophobia." And because we often lack self-compassion and emotional courage to confront our fears, pain, and weakness , we easily lock ourselves into the maze. Instead of proudly revealing our scars, we remain trapped in a labyrinth of our own making. To overcome manipulation, we must have the courage to admit that we are all just humans, sinners, and lack completeness; we must embrace our imperfections and dismiss the unattainable dream of perfection. None of us are flawless; we all experience failure, brokenness, and moments of darkness. As the King poignantly stated in his final words: "We are all beggars," each of us is blind and yearning for the truth to open our eyes.

Nothing can be more deeply shameful than allowing the largest genocide and ethnocide in history for eight months; nothing can be more humiliating than repeatedly voting for the same leaders, and most of us are fully aware that they can't be the real ones. They are nothing but manipulation 'tools. They aim to observe us as we argue, fight, and harm each other while diverting our attention from uncovering the manipulators' true identities. They are like clowns, distracting us from the leading actor who holds the key to our escape, permanently keeping us chained and imprisoned in their trap.

We need the courage to break our silence, not just with words, tears, and sympathy, but with action. We need the courage to dream and confront the unflattering truths about ourselves, our real enemy and oppressor who reside within our minds and hearts, and that is where great 'revolution' always begins.

Your superior knowledge, transparency, and wisdom inspire us to dare to dream amidst the darkness. Your guidance is truly invaluable. Thank you.

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