Media Omissions on the 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War: Failing to comprehend the morally confounding carnage of the United States' 2003 invasion of Iraq.
According to estimates of Generals, Colonels & Diplomats, Intelligent and experienced enough to weigh more than State Department Dictated empire delusions, NaziUkraine’s BodyCount of at least 400K ~ Apparently the U.S. 10yr Investment in this RealTime Provocation to WWIII, in context of Our Living History of *70 years* of depraved Profit Monopoly Colonizer lies, to justify relentless violent terror that rages round the world, demonic CELEBRATION Of MURDERS of Hundreds of Millions of UnArmed NonCombatant Civilians, Soldiers, Refugees, plus Rights to National AND Resource Sovereignty, combined with Russia’s Resolve to DeNazify Europe and BUILD JUST, PEACEFUL Collaborations SPARKS HUMANITY to overcome their current Occupiers Celebration of Oppressive Corruption & Death and Light Up a Path to Mutual Respect and Greater Good for the MAJORITY not just the Profits of a Self-Entitled, Criminally Depraved, InsiderTraders, WEALTH SSupremacy.
A very interesting analysis. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!
According to estimates of Generals, Colonels & Diplomats, Intelligent and experienced enough to weigh more than State Department Dictated empire delusions, NaziUkraine’s BodyCount of at least 400K ~ Apparently the U.S. 10yr Investment in this RealTime Provocation to WWIII, in context of Our Living History of *70 years* of depraved Profit Monopoly Colonizer lies, to justify relentless violent terror that rages round the world, demonic CELEBRATION Of MURDERS of Hundreds of Millions of UnArmed NonCombatant Civilians, Soldiers, Refugees, plus Rights to National AND Resource Sovereignty, combined with Russia’s Resolve to DeNazify Europe and BUILD JUST, PEACEFUL Collaborations SPARKS HUMANITY to overcome their current Occupiers Celebration of Oppressive Corruption & Death and Light Up a Path to Mutual Respect and Greater Good for the MAJORITY not just the Profits of a Self-Entitled, Criminally Depraved, InsiderTraders, WEALTH SSupremacy.