Very impressive essay...There's no way to put lipstick on the Imperialist pig...As General Smedley Butler said, I never fought in a war that wasn't for American business...But all empires overreach, and fail...

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Not to quibble but LOC says McKinley was assassinated on 9/6/1901: https://guides.loc.gov/chronicling-america-william-mckinley-assassination

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The attempt was made on the 6th and he died from his wounds on the 14th

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Those who refuse to take Trump seriously and take his threats to be empty remind me of people who dismiss the vile and abusive intent of people who openly make rape jokes, even subtly, and then act shocked when they do end up being a rapist.

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The country Panama seceded from is Colombia, not Columbia.

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Quite right! Correction made. Thank you for catching this.

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Although Gaza is part of Greater Israel project….

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